Thursday, April 29, 2010


Aku baru balik meeting sebenarnya nii.. kat Cheras ngan saudara S. Untuk makluman korang.. saudara S nii baru umur 24 tahun.. kawan blog kita gak… tapi dah start berjinak-jinak ngan tanah.. bagus betoii laa mamat nii

Alkisah ceritanya.. baru-baru nii.. dia ada beli tanah.. dari tuan tanah yang betoi-betoi terdesak.. luas tanah tuu 4 ekar.. kat area Bangi.. tapi geran masih lagi kongsi-kongsi.. harga yang dia dapat.. memang mantooopp habiss..

Dari segi lokasi lak.. tanah dia nii kat kawasan kampung.. lengkap ngan semua kemudahan.. jalan ada.. api air ada.. rumah jiran pun dekat gak

Apa yang aku paling seronok.. mamat S nii.. kreatif laa carikmodal.. dia beli tanah niii cash tau.. tak pakai loan bank pun.. tapi dia loan kat mak, bapak, kakak dan pakcik dia.. sebab katanya.. kalo beli tanah.. pakai loan bank.. interest mahal. .. kalo loan ngan family.. interest bole bincang beb.. bijak.. bijak..

Untuk tanah nii.. dia dah pun uruskan proses pindahmilik.. dan tadi.. aku tengok.. nama dia dah pun tertera dalam geran.. tahniah tahniah broo.. muda-muda lagi.. ko dah kaya

Pasni.. tugas aku lak.. nak kasi pecahkan tanah tuu.. kepada sekar-sekar.. sebab katanya.. pasni dia nak kasi sodok tanah tuu.. pastu nak kasi bersihkan.. dia mau bikin pagar.. pastu nak jual balik..

Jom kita kira sikit.. untung Saudara S nii.. he he he


Beli tanah 4 ekar : RM100K
Kos pecah geran : RM10K
Sodok tanah : RM4K
Bikin pagar : RM15K


1 ekar : RM160K
Kalo 4 ekar : RM640K

RM640K – RM129K : 511K

Uyooo banyaknya untung.. setengah juta tu.. bestnya.. kayo kayo.. he he he

Dan hari nii.. baru aku perasan.. main tanah nii.. tak kira.. samada kita tua atau muda.. kalo kita dapat good info.. good deal.. pastu dapat harga mantoop… pasti kita meletup beb

Kalo laa.. budak muda pun bole berjaya… korang macam mana?

Oklaa.. byeeee



Tuah said...

geng2 pmc ramai yg tau kalau aku jumpa budak2 baru..mesti tanyer umur...mcm aku cakap dgn dierorg..dgn tau umur..kite ble benchmarking pencapaian kita.

kalau umur muda dri kita..harta lagi byk dari kita, lagi bijak urus kewangan..patut kite jadikan contoh.

kalau umur muda dari kita..byk amal jariah berbanding kite...pon patut jadi cth diri kita yg lebih tua ini...

bagus anak muda nie..semoga abg tuah dapat jejak kaki adik bijak ini...keep up the good work.hafizal..keep bloging :)

Matjoe said...

agak2 laa pinjam dgn sedara, kalau tak bayar, adoi berparang beb.

on the other hand, i wish him success.
mmg bagus ada hartawan muda

sourplum said...

ape blog die
meh nk tgk

Anonymous said...

bro,aku tgh rungsing pg td dan terjumpa blog ni,syukur dpt tahu ada yg bincang pasal bab tanah ni.Paper UM lapor kjaan selangor ngr nak ambil semula tanah kurnian,alamak!!!,arwah bapak sy ada tgglkan 1e tanah kat johan setia,tanh gambut pulak tu,harga mggu lepas dpt tahu dah melambung sampai 250.000 seekar,kalau diorang ambil blk mampus keluarga aku,tanah tu takde sapa nak uruskan,tanah pijak terbenam,tumbuh belukar,kalau tak sempat jual rugi bro.komen skit bab statement kerajaan negari tu,tolong bro

Anonymous said...

inilah akibatnya bertukar government...habis semua yang dikurniakan by previous government ditarik balik..

tak tau le apa nak jadi kalau leasehold properties esp kat bukit cerakah if one day due for renewal...

best thing go for freehold eventhough malay reserve...janjibole tido malam..anak cucu pun bole tido malam kemudian hari...

juruukur said...

tuah.. ko berfalsafah hari nii ekk.. he he he

matjoe.. aku rasa.. beli tanah ok kot.. kalo tak mampu bayar.. bagi jee tanah tuu kat sedara.. mesti dia orang suka punya

tuan.. aku rasa.. ni bagi kes.. tanah kurnia yang tak bayar premium nii.. atau yang tak bayar cukai tanah..

yang dah ada geran.. tak yah risau.. kerajaan negeri tak leh rampas.. kalo mereka nak.. mereka kena buat pengambilan.. pastu kena bayar pampasan pd kita..

~tuah.rimbun~ said...

aku rasa nk pengsan bila org beli tanah rm100k utk 4 ekar kat area bangi.....
adusshh.........asc,;sdvnf ,

Anonymous said...

Court decision renders land title worthless

teruknya decision case terbaru ni..
pemegang title tanah takde hak ke atas tanah walaupun pihak kerajaan mengambil tanah tu tidak mengikut prosedur undang2 yg telah ditetapkan di dalam kanun tanah negara?

kawan2, sila baca dan fahamkan kes ini.

By Terence Fernandez

PETALING JAYA (April 27, 2010): Your land title may not be worth the paper it is printed on as the Government need not follow procedures in acquiring your property -- this is the consequence of a decision by the Kuala Lumpur High Court is anything to go by.

In the March 11 decision, Justice Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin ruled in chambers that Ishmael Lim Abdullah had no rights to the property he had been residing on and cultivating for the last 18 years as his land was acquired way back in 1973 – despite Lim being the registered titled owner and the failure of the Gombak Land Office to register the acquisition.

In spite of the Land Office admitting its failure, Justice Alizatul held that it was not mandatory to register the acquisition by endorsing "Form K" (a requirement under the National Land Code).

Form K is a document that basically informs everyone of the acquisition.

Lim's late father had bought the 5,000 sq metre property in Templer’s Park in 1975 without any encumbrances and bequeathed the land to him in 1992. Like his father before him, Lim had been paying quit rent and even charged the property to a bank for a loan in 1993.

However, on March 9, 2005, the Gombak Land Office issued an eviction notice on Lim saying his land, along with 12 other plots had been acquired for an armed forces training school.

Five searches done between 1993 and 2005 confirmed Lim as the registered owner of the property, with no indication that the land was acquired nor of any encumbrances.

Lim proceeded to take the Federal Land Commissioner and the Gombak Land Office to court on April 7, 2005 to challenge an eviction notice.

The High Court, then under Justice Wan Arfah Wan Ibrahim, ruled in his favour, keeping things at status quo until Lim and the land administrators sort out the land issues.

In spite of this order, the Land Office proceeded to cancel Lim’s ownership of the land – a clear act of contempt.

This prompted Lim’s current action to reinstate his status as the registered owner, to challenge the eviction and to seek costs.

However, according to legal notes, Justice Alizatul ruled that as the acquisition was indefeasible, Lim had no claim to the land, and the acquisition predates his or his father’s ownership to the property.

The defendants had relied on the Land Acquisition Act 1960 which gives powers to the State to acquire property.

Moreover, the compensation to Lim will be based on the value of the land in 1973 – RM6,187.50! Although Lim claims realtors valued his property at RM1.23 million.

The defendants argued that the acquisition was done on April 10, 1973, hence the transfer of the property to Lim’s father (Lim Yew Kay) on Oct 24, 1975 and thence to Lim on Dec 10, 1992 was void.

They also claimed that the compensation for acquisition was paid to the courts on March 11, 1974.

The defendants also claimed that notices were sent to the original owner of the land, Lim Cheng Kim, in 1974.

Lim’s lawyers argued that the defendants had not played fair, stating that they had not contested the April 7, 2005 injunction and in fact had notified the court then that they wished to resolve the matter amicably.

This, they argued had "lulled Lim into a false sense of security for two years", where they filed an affidavit in 2007 to challenge his claim as well as his proprietary rights.

Justice Alizatul dismissed this argument.

Lim is appealing the decision under a certificate of urgency to expedite the hearing as he lives on and earns his living from the land. -- theSun

Rohaniah Noor

Shaiful said...

1)Isu Tanah Pemberimilikan
Dasar k'jaan s'gor skrg nak tarik balik tanah2 pemberimilikan yg masih belum menjelaskan premium. Cth kat bukit cerakah & U10 Shah Alam, mereka2 ni dah pegang tanah tu dekat 20 tahun tp hanya sebilangan kecil je yg settlekan premium. Lazimnya premium perlu dijelaskan dlm tempoh 6bln-setahun, tp kalau dah sampai 20 tahun x byr pastu marah2 kat pulak k'jaan... sendiri mau ingat la.

Shaiful said...

2)Isu Pengambilan Balik Tanah
Asas yg k'jaan guna utk ambil balik tanah adalah KEPENTINGAN UMUM. Mmg x pernah sesiapa pun menang kalau lawan kat court, yg ada pun depa lawan kalau kerajaan offer RM5/kp tp value tpt tu RM15/kp...lastly court bagi la RM10/kp. Kes2 mcm ni ada yg yg berjaya.

juruukur said...

shaiful.. ya betul.. aku setuju tu.. tima kasih pul.. sebab syer info

Mohammad Ismali said...

kesaksian nyata dan kabar baik !!!

Nama saya mohammad, saya baru saja menerima pinjaman saya dan telah dipindahkan ke rekening bank saya, beberapa hari yang lalu saya melamar ke Perusahaan Pinjaman Dangote melalui Lady Jane (, saya bertanya kepada Lady jane tentang persyaratan Dangote Loan Perusahaan dan wanita jane mengatakan kepada saya bahwa jika saya memiliki semua persyarataan bahwa pinjaman saya akan ditransfer kepada saya tanpa penundaan

Dan percayalah sekarang karena pinjaman rp11milyar saya dengan tingkat bunga 2% untuk bisnis Tambang Batubara saya baru saja disetujui dan dipindahkan ke akun saya, ini adalah mimpi yang akan datang, saya berjanji kepada Lady jane bahwa saya akan mengatakan kepada dunia apakah ini benar? dan saya akan memberitahu dunia sekarang karena ini benar

Anda tidak perlu membayar biayaa pendaftaran, biaya lisensi, mematuhi Perusahaan Pinjaman Dangote dan Anda akan mendapatkan pinjaman Anda

untuk lebih jelasnya hubungi saya via email: mahammadismali234@gmail.comdan hubungi Dangote Loan Company untuk pinjaman Anda sekarang melalui email

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